Marie Teeuwen
After her study Food Technology at the HAS in Den Bosch and subsequently at Wageningen University, Marie worked for several companies in the food sector. By holding various positions at several companies in this sector, she has gained a lot of experience in various processes in the food industry and she has built up a large network. In addition to her affinity with technology, Marie is very interested in people. That made her decide to switch to a position on the 'other side of the table'.
Marie is an enthusiastic food professional and she strives for results. She gets a lot of satisfaction from taking on challenges combined with making people happy. Through a thorough analysis and the use of positivity and creativity, great results are achieved for as well the client as the candidate.
I like to combine my passion for food technology with the drive to make people happy and building relations.

Marie Teeuwen
Senior Consultant (0)6 30 958 760
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