Anne de Maeyer
With a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences & Technology (TU Delft) and a Master's degree in Nutrition & Health (Wageningen), Anne has worked for 8 years as a Product Technologist at various international companies in the food sector. As she missed the social aspect in this job, she decided to start a career in recruitment in 2016. She is very passionate about this workfield. Anne is a real connector with a warm authentic personality. She is sincerely interested in the person on the other side of the table and every conversation gives her lots of energy. Having a background in Life Sciences, she is able to perform an in depth analyzation of the desired profile. Speaking “the same language” as her customer, she is able to make the right match.
Connecting people is my passion. Every conversation gives me satisfaction and I invest in long term relationships.

Anne de Maeyer
Senior Consultant (0)6 83 111 697
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